App Settings
SMTP Settings


SMTP settings are important for any application that requires sending out email notifications or alerts. In your app, you can configure SMTP settings to ensure that emails are delivered successfully. By providing accurate SMTP settings, your application can authenticate and establish a secure connection with the email service provider, making it easier to send out emails reliably. Additionally, you can configure other settings such as email encryption, port numbers, and message throttling to further customize your SMTP settings according to your needs. Overall, proper SMTP settings can help ensure that your application's emails are delivered successfully and enhance the user.

SMTP Setup

If you don't set up SMTP then when a user tries to register by email then email verification mail will not sent to verify their email. It means new user registration will not work without an SMTP setup. So it is very very important and one of the most required settings for your application. So you must have to setup this setting to enable new user registration of your app.

After entering all the SMTP credentials when you click the save button then SMTP connection will be checked whether it is connected or not. If the SMTP connection is established successfully then you will get a success message and SMTP credentials will be saved other wise you will get an error message and SMTP credentials not will save.

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